Its been awhile since i blog. painfully there is little to update on my life except the common topics which seem to be ever present in my entrys. even im getting bored listening to my own incessant whinings and complaints. i do wish to type happier stuffs down to give the feel of this blog a more complete one. surely my life is not completely fabricated out of tears, bordom, drinks and pining for love? or is it not?
I'm doing OK in work. not the top agent around but respectable. its becoming a routine to sleep till 10+ and go office in the afternoon thou beng would prefers i reach in the morning. follow by which will likely be some appointments and drinkings.
This brings to me the topic on drinking. i been spending too much time and money on booze. i know it and recognize its detrimental to both my physique, mental or financial well being. just read an article not too long back on jap researchers finding out that taking a "liver holiday" which roughly means that if you take a break for a few days without a drop of alcohol after some hard drinking, the risk of u contacting alcohol related diseases are down by a huge chunk. therefore im taking a liver holiday. last night for eg, i didnt touch a drop of alcohol while beng and the rest were drinking.
Was thinking of going shopping later. i do need more shirts than the ones i currently have. there are loads of stuffs i wana get but im unsure whether to save it for GSS or just get it now. i think im likely to buy only 2 more shirts to tide things over while waiting for the sale to take shape. honestly while im getting a stable income now, it seems that if im not careful with my spending, things will be like before when i spend incessantly and dont save a dime. that must stop. there is a sudden urge now to buy a watch or that bag she is eyeing for for her. i dunno should i do it. its perplexing to think about that.
We havent met in more than 2 weeks. seems that she is always busy with studies or friends. while its understandable that she would be busy sending her exchange friends off after some crazy and fun time they spent together, i cant help but lament whether its too hard to cede a portion of the time for me. we used to be inseperable. now we just seem to be unable to even see each other. i kept her msgs in my hp and take it out from time to time to look at. no pics of us to look at as she said she hates to take pics but looking at her facebook reveals tons of pics with her frens and other guys while i cant even get 1. she said she still like me (she guess) but that tingling sensation i think is dissipating all the time for her. i still feels alot for her for reasons i can no longer or wish to comprehend.. in my bordom, i did checks on canada, calgary, her university, way of life etc etc. dumb and silly. illogical and stupid. however i know that all these things im doing is unlikely to bear fruits. maybe she will meet me again. but that might be after all her friends are gone and she is feeling bored. can i stand playing not merely 2nd fiddle but the 103th 253th choice? i dont know.. i still miss her and is contriving on a plan to surprise her and make her mine. can it be done? deep down i know and its not a pleasant one.
Im feeling ok. soon i might go out and have "fun" and down shots and glasses of alcohol. then the world will stop looking as ugly and you will start to reminisce lesser and pine lesser. there will be a heighten sense of euphoria while temporary serves as a much needed respite from those bug bears plaguing u. be it fear of exam failure, to missing ur old friends, to work related issues or to missing her.. these will for that moment in time takes a back seat while i start to feel strong and mighty again. "fun" is done with inverted comma because rationally speaking, it should be term escapism. i am constantly trying to escape since my break up with charmaine. not that i still like her however i do wonder whats wrong with my life. there seems to be a huge void in the heart that nothing has filled yet. it is depressing to say the least.
The last time i felt this way, this lousy, i went for a getaway. its good to recharge your mind and body. that is not the true and right solution. what needs to be done is i find my own happiness again. but how? the question lingers.