Sunday, June 10, 2007


Its been some time i update on my life. nothing much changes except im pretty much settled in my new firm. doing reasonably okae but still i think im underachieving.. im still unsure if this line is the right one for me.. i still cringe at the thought im an insurance agent but such negativities are dissipating rapidly as i do better. perhaps if u really succeed, it doesnt matter where you come from and which firm u are in.

Less than a month to go before my bdae. it shd be funny... for those who are going to be present. for the first time in how long, there be actually ppl going to plan for my bdae. in fact i think the last time anyone bothered planning for my bdae was when im celebrating my 21st.. if my memories dont fail me, thats the last time i celebrated my bdae as an attached personnel.. being quite awhile isnt it..

My bdae i can envisage it to be a massacre.. you see im never the quietest or most obedient of guy who jus wish everyone a happy bdae quietly and sing happy bdae song and blow candle.. im the devil's advocate in chief usually. getting frens to puke, look silly, behave irrationally, have an early night (by means of total knock out) is my occupation or passion to a lesser extent. friends who had capitulate includes beng's junior-edmund kong (but im not the only one who caused it), the courtsman-carrot, the kicking cockroach weiyi and the most recent, mr rossi..

Now they can sense blood and is itching for it.. i got plans to counter it.. it be a tough shot BUT its by no means impossible.. tried to call a truce.. they reject.. especially joey.. this wife of my mgr is irritating.. i admit i got her a lambo! but her hubby wanted a waterfall for her.. i was nice.. in fact i even help put ice into her drinks when she need it.. grrr.. and guess what? she refuse my very generous offer of a truce and also came up with a nickname for the girl i find cute.. MOUSTACHIO!! dont sound too good isnt it.. darn!

The thing that pleases me is that beng's bdae is 1 mth after me.. i shall take how they treat me as a gauge and do back double to beng.. hahaa.. i lined up enforcers to make sure he drink.. adrian peh will be there.. i make sure i get him there.. plus other guests.. muahahaa.. im excited just thinking about it.. *evil grin*

Count down begins.