Wednesday, November 29, 2006


To all those out there who sent me their well wishes or came down to the wake to give me support, a huge thank you to you all. really appreciate your thoughts and company thru the period. THANKS.

Now is exam period and i jus came back from insurance course. as i was walking, i was wondering how excited it must be to graduate and start climbing the corporate ladder.. been hearing sob stories from so many ppl. from urine to jeremy, to poh, to clar to many others.. however im unduanted and remain optimistic about the career i will be forging in a year's time.

Of course im not saying that it will be a bed of roses or my friends' complaints are bullshit. i do know it will be challenging and it could lead to mental breakdown if u fails. the entree from now on might be thorny but i seriously mean NO harm or malice.

I realised a trend. a worrying pattern. most (i say all actually) of my friends who are unhappy of their jobs are in SMEs or smaller firms. firms with few prospect for growth or minute chance to get astonishingly rich. is it just me or what that unlike those in MNCs and huge corporation who also complained about red tape, huge workload etc, those in the smaller firms got more grouses? i feel that they are underpaid and overworked as opposed to huge firms which despite their workload, at least reward their employees with a fair wage.

I say to those that are unhappy to quit now unless u just joined the firm. ppl like yan. working in that company makes her haggard, stress, impatient, moody, frightful and worst, lower her confidence and esteem. for the pittance that my dear friend is getting, she is slogging her life for unappreciative boss and firm. i know it may not be that easy to find a crushy job with fat pay cheque but its DO-ABLE.

Send out those resumes to the big firms. plan your career route. i know my friends. most of them are not contented with mediocrity. how i know that? from their love life for example. they are still single despite opportunities unfolding.. why? because they fear shortchanging themselves. lets reflect back to the work arena. arent they shortchanging themselves? i know my friends let me remind you again. some of them are capable. some are smart but all are commited workers. all will fight for their respective companies. i say why are you fighting for the companies only? fight for yourself. NOW!

Before ppl start to accuse me of being a lab rat that is a creature still in his comfort zone in school, think again. without flaunting my credentials, i say i am confident i will climb the darn corporate ladder. maybe the route to success is indeed difficult. but my friends have NOT failed yet. they are in their 20s. they have years of experiences in puny firms by now. i say its time we get out of this comfort zone and start to make a difference in your life.

I mean if we are going to get headaches and unhappy over our jobs, at least let it be for a phenomenal pay or promotional prospects right?


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