Friday, May 09, 2008


School has been fine... Actually fine is an understatement. i think it has been a great and enriching experience though not everything went according to plan. perfection might be just a myth aye? much talk about but seldom achieve.

I had a dream long before. i always want to try my hands in teaching and i finally fulfilled that dream. although it is only for a couple of months, i think this is the job i enjoyed doing the most out of all those i had done so far. in fact the last time i can remember having inundated fun and satisfaction during the course of work.

There were the bad moments. when you see your students threading the route that many of your peers had taken while in school, u felt upset, disturbed and more acutely disappointed. it is not easy for a student in the school to make it to university. despite statistics vindicating the mammoth task placed ahead of them, they remain indifferent and oblivious to it.

Some students commented that lately i like to put them down. i do not enjoy that. i want every single of my students in fact the school to make it from the bottom of my heart. there was this student. she is talented, chirpy and vivacious. however she lacks discipline and does not understand or realize the magnitude of a task facing her. she threw a marker at me. of course i know its a joke, a prank. for the sake of retaining control of the class, i have to act. i counseled her a number of times but to no avail.

She has since quited the school. deep down, i was smashed. i read her blog and now i'm her public enemy no one. am i affected too deeply by her hatred to me? do i regret my actions? actually i don't. i rather she leave the school now then to stay on for 3 years and flunk out. however it hurts me to see her wasting herself and her talents.

I scolded my students the other day. the thing about the students here is they give up on themselves too easily. they quit too easily. seeing a tough question, facing a tough course, encountering a tough teacher, they took the easy way out. they quit. however such actions not only fail to endear themselves, but its like a death note symbolizing their impending doom either from being kick out of school or eventually failing to make the grade to university.

I am about to go dubai. am i excited about the trip? not really. there is this dread in me that is gently warning me that i would regret leaving the country, the parents, the school, the teaching, the friends and also the students. some friends question my sanity and rationality in wanting to leave..

Its the opportunity and most importantly the promise. the promise to myself. i will give myself, my parents and my future family the best life ever. i want to make it big.. i correct the statement. i will make it big. if it calls for sacrifices, i guess i have no other choice but to grind my teeth and bear with it?

I will miss MI and my students. all of them..


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't care, you better blog ESPECIALLY when you're in Dubai, and don't worry, I kept my promise, I didn't expose your blog, still quietly unknown to all other students. (=

I respect your decision to go to the Dubai, but come back quickly kay? Don't go for like 20 years and I'll be old by then, maybe already married with kids or have grandchildren etc etc. o.o

All in all, please take care. Please do take care, Mr. David Aw.. 08A5, especially your obedient students (like me), are waiting for you to come back, no matter how long you're going to take, we'll wait.


And I bet all your other students too.

Drink plenty of water, eat medicine when you're sick, rest when you're tired, don't overwork, try not to get sick. A5's always behind you, no matter what you do, you have our support. All the best for your future prospects, our DA is capable of overcoming everything!

P.S.: On behalf on A5... I would like to say a huge, gigantic, ENORMOUS (sorry, limited vocab =x) SORRY to you - We're still teens, still the immature ones, ESP me, don't know how to appreciate you, how to cherish you etc. Sorry for all the unhappiness we've caused, we love you. =)

From your uber noisy student who shares the same surname in chinese,


* do update ohhs~! *

6:06 AM  
Blogger david said...

thanks janice.. i really appreciate it. as i wrote in the new post, im not sure if i have been a good teacher. but i sure hope u guys will make it. i will definitely be back but whether our paths cross each other again in future, i have no idea. lets leave it to fate. fate have brought so many of our paths to intertwine. i will miss u all so much. matter of which, the misses had already began..

10:28 AM  

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