getting sick

im losing track of time here. days are passing rapidly maybe cos the day time here is short n its dark after awhile. getting sick(actually was sick b4 i came) n my throat is killing me. thankfully my mom packed some herbal tea for me dat im cooking now. it smells horrible thou but i need to drink it to prepare for the next drinking binge. its crazy here dat ppl are drinking every night. after the 1st nite fiasco, i mercifully drank only 1 glass of wine n beer last nite. i cant take it anymore as my throat is really hurting.
i woke up damn early cos i simply cant sleep. cant get use to the fact its 3plus pm in spore while only ard 8 in the morning here. will try to adjust myself better as time passes... my french mate is damn cool too.. they had a fun time suaning the "attractiveness" of my buddy. speaking of whom i haven meet yet.. but im in no rush to really meet her thou.. =(
okae i shall add in some picturs of my french mate n his cute buddy-kamela now. happy viewing. au revior.
y r u so happy down there?!?!? & pls recover b4 u start drinking. Baka!!!
how's ola??? & that ang mo char bor is cute!
u r wearing my blouse!!!! oki.. the blouse i paid as ur birthday gift. whahaha...
its not freaking blouse.. its a ermmm... mismash of tee n ermm sweater or sumth... yeap this girl is cute but there are alot of cuteys ard. bartek is making me drunk all the time.. but last nite he was damn damn drunk.. i survive last nite..barely =)
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