skiing trip

tonite i be leaving for a town near zakopane region for a skiing trip. something i have alwayz look forward to thruout my life but never had the chance to try. however when the trip seems imminent, the enthusiasm that i should be experiencing is surprisingly lacking. hmmm.. i guess 1 of the reasons is tat i expect it to cost at least S$350 for equips, lodging, food and parties. i have already start to spend lesser especially on alcohol and parties. while i used to club a mind boggling 6days a week, im reducing it to a more sane 2 days clubbing week. n i have taken to drinking the cheapest beer and cooking myself.. however this 2 wks will be another big spending week.. have to pay rent(i think im paying advance), ski trip and be joining shar for a short hols when she touch down warsaw. i hope that i will not spend so much.. budget trip in lieu.
last night, i went for an austrian meal. its like S$7.50 for half a kg of pork and 1 bowl of fries n salad and S$4 for a litre of beer! thats crazy.. the portion here is really incredible i swear. n the "sweet" agnes is cursing me on her blog to grow fat. thats a scenario i hope will not materialise. :s
on a more somber note, i declare my hair cutting trip a complete flop. while others comment its not too bad(except my stupid french roomy), i hate it! its like im back to my sec sch times. horrifying. what is the cause of this? cos i dont speak polish n the hairdresser dont speak english. so i jus show him a pic(trust me i dont look anything like the pic in the end) and say tak(polish word for yes when he ask something). horror of horrors.. my hair disintegrate into a lump of short cluster hair. everyone was shocked! according to many a eyewitness of my disastrous hair outing, they said now i look more.......... chinese.. pui. they thot im jap in the past... sigh..
when did u ever look like a jap?!? haha... show ur pix leh. i would like to recall how u look like when u r in sec times. hahha..
i din curse u. i tink it will soon become a fact...
my hairstyle? nope your not seeing it! especially u.. but i decided i will never cut hair in poland again so when im back, it'll be long. =)
yanz>> the ppl here think i look jap lo. im calling myself kaneshiro. hahaaa.. as for fats, after i look at americans n europeans, i declare myself anorexic. off to the ski mountains~
either they r blind or just making u happy. =)
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